Sunday, June 4, 2017

Campbell, block 4, Fraturday night is not all right.

Another show, another trip to the grounds of the old Riverview Mental Hospital in Coquitlam. I've been there filming so many times I'm becoming a ghostly image myself. (Many, many ghost stories from film people that have shot here over the years.)

A lovely morning view of Mt. Baker from my condo in Burnaby.
random, out for dinner with my brother, excellent seared tuna salad shot (courtesy of the Manchester Pub in Kitsilano)
Going to pick-up some Netflix execs at the Shangri-La hotel downtown Vancouver. I had a 15 passenger Ford transit van today, and there was no way I was going to make it into the underground where I normally pick up cast. (with the height limit of 7ft. 6in., I would of turned the van into a convertible)

We spent an entire week on the t.v. show "Campbell."  at the studio in Burnaby. Like other show before, soon we will leave this show behind as well. (kinda like looking in the rear-view mirror as I drive away from the stage and the work trucks.)

We are usually still working long after the office staff of the show have gone home from the Brightlighs Pictures building at the Bridge studios.

Also this week, I drove the director and locations manager for my next job, a t.v. pilot called the "Misfits", based on a British series. One of the locations we studied was the Willingdon Youth Correctional Centre in Burnaby. (closed in 2002).

To think that youth stayed here is a little unsettling to me.

Another location was, where else.................
Riverview Hospital. (and yes, some of us old timers still don't know how to take a proper selfie.)

Take a step up to the Crease clinic at Riverview, the ghost tour awaits.

Looking up, actually, it made me dizzy.

We also went to another familiar place.

Crab Park at the base of Main Street. Awesome water, city and mountain views.

and you know it's Fraturday in the summer when you get home at 4 a.m. and it's already starting to get light out!
My hometown of Penticton is seeing the highest water levels in history on Okanagan Lake. Most of the beach is submerged, I have never seen it like that.

The entire beach was sandbagged.

With the help of a lot of volunteers.

Wow! (He would certainly be hard to pick out in a snow storm.)

Somebody's popular

Honestly, good for him. Honestly, not good for me.

I don't like flying much, as this would certainly not help

yes, way better than a football game.

The first one to pass out at a party is never safe

bright kid

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